Matthias Christandl

Professor og Center Leader
Quantum for Life Center, SCIENCE, University of Copenhagen
Field of work: Quantum Computation, Quantum Software, Quantum Communication
What do you research?
My research aims to understand the way quantum mechanics impacts information processing. To this end, I have made contributions of an algorithmic, cryptographic, information-theoretical and foundational nature, drawing on techniques and concepts from mathematics, computer science, physics and engineering. Excited by recent experimental breakthroughs in the building of quantum devices, I continue this theoretical line of research with a focus on the near-term facilitation and long-term benefits of quantum computing.
Why is it so important?
Our information-based society is built upon the concept of a bit and all our communication and computation amounts to a clever manipulation of information stored in bits. Just imagine there is something 'better' than bits, namely 'quantum bits', and let your fantasy free-flow into how and what our communication (but also our understanding of the universe) might develop into.
A project you are proud of?
One thing quantum computer will be very good at (once we have them) is simulating other quantum systems (like atoms and molecules). Understanding the wider implications for chemistry and biology is what our Quantum for Life Center is trying to figure out. This requires highly interdisciplinary teams, and I am very excited about the team we have built and the enthusiasm there is for developing this subject.
Opdateret oktober 2024
Gennem sin deltagelse i Policy Fellowship 2024-2025 arbejder Matthias med Christina Dahl Jensen, teamleder i Folkekirkens Nødhjælp.