Samantha Dawn Breslin

Tenure Track Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen
Research field: Norms, values and inequities in technologies and technology cultures
What do you research?
I research the ways that norms, values, and inequities are embedded in and reproduced through technologies and technology cultures. I have a particular focus on gender and labour. My research asks what kinds of work and knowledge are valued in relation to technologies, by whom and for whom, and what effects does that have for both the design and use of technologies? I’ve examined, for example, the ways heteronormative gender binaries are embedded in computer science education and practice and how that shape both gender norms in practice among computer scientists and in learning and designing in computing technologies.
Why is it so important?
Computing technologies, including social media, mobile phones, and infrastructures like the Internet have a significant presence in contemporary everyday lives. Examining the people who make these technologies and how they make them is significant for understanding the ways technologies shape our lives, identities, and interactions. I also use the insights and findings from my anthropological research to promote more equitable technology education and practice while also examining and using computational methods to contribute to anthropological research. This is important for both increasing the diversity of experts in technology fields, of what counts as technology expertise, as well as promoting technologies incorporate equity in their design and development.
A project you are proud of?
One project I’m particularly proud of is a collaboration with two engineering educators that focused on exploring the inequities faced by junior faculty, women, and faculty of colour in their work to promote equity and social justice in engineering education. Through this work we examined some of the ways they were being hindered in their efforts to improve engineering education for marginalized students and for justice-oriented engineering in the future, while also working with them to develop social scientific analytical skills and insights to help further their work.
Updated October 2024
In previous policy fellowships, Samantha has worked with Karina Pultz, Senior Advisor for Human Rights, DanChurchAid (Alumner - Policy Fellowship).