Enhancing the Policy Framework for Offshore Wind Energy in the Mediterranean (WINDMED)

The WINDMED project examines policy challenges for the development of offshore wind energy in the Mediterranean. It leverages cooperation with Danish and foreign stakeholders from the public and private sector, to deliver relevant and applicable policy recommendations. In particular, this project carries out a case study on Italy, with the support of the Royal Danish Embassy in Italy and the Italian Embassy in Denmark. Through an interdisciplinary and multi-stakeholder approach, WINDMED will produce a report shedding light on the key legal, political, and societal factors affecting the establishment of offshore wind farms and propose policy interventions to facilitate the increase of offshore wind generation capacity.




Law, Political Sciences, Humanities







  • November 2023 – March 2024: Researchers involved in the project will conduct interviews with relevant stakeholders, to gather first-hand data of how specific policy barriers affect the development of offshore wind in Italy.
  • April 2024: Organisation of a workshop at the University of Copenhagen. The workshop will feature an interactive dialogue among WINDMED researchers and external stakeholders on the practical challenges encountered by sector operators and public authorities for the uptake of offshore wind.
  • September 2024: Publication of the policy report. Building on the data gathered through the expert interviews and at the workshop, alongside desk-based research, WINDMED researchers will draft a policy report, which will be presented in Rome in cooperation with the Royal Danish Embassy in Italy.













Alessandro Monti, Assistant Professor in Energy Law and Sustainability, Faculty of Law, UCPH (main applicant)

Michele Merrill Betsill, Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science, UCPH

Simon Westergaard Lex, Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Anthropology, UCPH

Haakon Lund, Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Communication, UCPH

Anne Bach Nielsen, Postdoc, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Department of Public Health, UCPH

Jakob Dreyer, PhD fellow, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science, UCPH










Funded by

The project has received a one-year funding through the center's 'Seed funding' pool 2023

Project: Enhancing the Policy Framework for Offshore Wind Energy in the Mediterranean (WINDMED)

Period:  September 2023 to September 2024.


Alessandro Monti

Assistant professor

Centre for International Law and Governance
